Become a Volunteer
Any member of the community served by the Member Temples is eligible to apply for joining as a volunteer. Volunteers shall be the local interface between the Network and the Member Temples and Temple communities. A volunteer shall be a person of good moral standing; should not be an office bearer of any political party; demonstrate understanding of the objectives and activities of the Network; and be willing to contribute time and effort as necessary for enrolling the Member Temples and helping them to become proactive members of the Network.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Volunteer
The volunteers will: (a) help the Member Temples/ Temple communities to actively coordinate with the Network, (b) prepare information to be shared with the Network, (c) help disseminate information and communications received from the Network to the communities served by the Member Temples, and (d) in coordination with the Network organize any technical assistance - legal, accounting, auditing - that may be needed by the Member Temples and Temple communities in matters related to the temples.
How to Join
Please fill the Volunteer Registration form here and we will get back to you.