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  • Writer's pictureMohinder Gulati

Violence against Hindus in UK: A Sign of Ominous Future?

Dear Members of Global Hindu Temple Network and Hindus worldwide,

The recent violence against Hindus in Leicester and Birmingham is neither the first nor will it be the last threat, intimidation, and violence against Hindus peacefully observing their religious practices and festivals in the United Kingdom. The Trustees of the GHTN have expressed their deep concern and appealed to the Prime Minister and Home Secretary of UK to provide security to the Hindus for the upcoming festivals. We have also written to the Government of India to put on hold the negotiations for Fair Trade Agreement with UK until we see a demonstrable evidence of action by the UK authorities.

We reproduce the three letters one to the Prime Minister of UK, second to Minister of Commerce and the third to the Minister of External Affairs of the Government of India respectively. We request all Hindus to raise this issue with their political representatives in India and UK and circulate it widely. Be aware, Leicester violence is a sign of the ominous future that awaits Hindus in the UK and worldwide. We apologize for a long blog.


Shared information, Shared awareness, Shared consciousness, Collective action

27 September 2022

Ms. Elizabeth Truss

Prime Minister

United Kingdom

Dear Prime Minister,

Subject: Violence against Hindus in the United Kingdom

We wish to bring to your attention our deep concern and anguish at the continued violence against law-abiding and peaceful Hindu community in the United Kingdom. Our concern is further aggravated by the lack of action in bringing the criminals to justice and inadequate arrangements to provide security to the Hindu community for the upcoming season of religious festivals.

The violence in Leicester in which a large number of Hindus of Leicester, their places of worship, their cultural and religious symbols have been wantonly targeted and damaged by fanatic mobs could have been avoided. This violence, threats, intimidation has spread to Smethwick (Birmingham) and Coventry (West Midlands). An impartial and diligent investigation would clearly reveal how Hindus were targeted for observance of their religious festival.

Many homes and properties of Hindus have been damaged. Hindus are traumatized and forced to remove symbols of their heritage, traditions, culture, and religion. Many Hindus living in the impacted area have not sent their children to school for several days now. Inaction by the local administration and police is appalling and there has been a pattern of ignoring aggression by fanatic mobs in the past.

We request your government, under your strong leadership, to:

(a) issue strong, unequivocal, assurance to Hindu community that your government will not tolerate violence, hate-crimes, intimidation, vandalization of property, and obstruction in observance of their religious practices,

(b) direct the police and administration to take strong, visible, and demonstrable action to ensure peaceful celebration of Hindu festivals of Navaratri, Dussehra, Deepawali in the coming months,

(c) demonstrate to not only Hindus but to the public-at-large that urgent and punitive action is being taken against perpetrators of hate-crimes in Leicester, Birmingham, and Coventry and that full force of law shall be used to ensure peace and protection of dignity and property of all communities.

We look forward to urgent action by your government, and are committed to contributing to strengthening social harmony, peaceful co-existence, and protection of dignity of all religions.

Sincerely yours Dr. V S Sampath Mohinder Gulati

former Chief Election Commissioner of India former COO, United Nations Sustainable Energy for All

Chairman Managing Trustee

Amulya Charan

former Managing Director, Tata Power Trading Company and Advisor, Tata Group


CC: The Rt Hon Suella Braverman, Home Secretary, Government of the United Kingdom


Shared information, Shared awareness, Shared consciousness, Collective action

27 September 2022

Shree Piyush Goyal

Minister of Commerce and Industry

Government of India

Vanijya Bhawan

New Delhi

Dear Shree Goyal.

Re: Violence against Hindus in the United Kingdom and the Free Trade Agreement

We would like to bring to your kind attention the violence against Hindus in the United Kingdom. We are deeply anguished by the lack of action by the Government of United Kingdom in bringing the criminals to justice and inadequate arrangements to provide security to the Hindu community for the upcoming season of religious festivals.

The violence in Leicester was directed against a large number of Hindus of Leicester, their places of worship, their cultural and religious symbols wantonly targeted and damaged by fanatic mobs. This violence, threats, intimidation has spread to Smethwick (Birmingham) and Coventry (West Midlands). Hindus are traumatized and forced to remove symbols of their heritage, traditions, culture, and religion. Many Hindus living in the impacted area have not sent their children to school for several days now. Inaction by the local administration and police is appalling and follows a pattern of ignoring aggression by fanatic mobs in the past as well.

We are thankful that the Government of India has raised this issue with the United Kingdom but given the past lackadaisical track record of UK authorities in dealing with hate-crimes against Hindus we are not sure if its impact will sustain. We understand that a Free Trade Agreement is likely to be concluded in a matter of weeks. We are disappointed that when Hindus in the UK cannot even celebrate religious festivals at their homes, India wants to sign an FTA with the Government of United Kingdom.

We urge the Government of India, under strong leadership of Prime Minister Modi, to raise the issue of persistent violence and hate crimes against Hindus in UK and ensure their right to follow their religion with dignity and freedom.

Please find attached a letter we have sent to Ms. Elizabeth Truss, Prime Minister and copied to Ms. Suella Braverman, Home Secretary of the United Kingdom respectively.

Sincerely yours

Dr. V S Sampath Mohinder Gulati

former Chief Election Commissioner of India former COO, United Nations Sustainable Energy for All

Chairman Managing Trustee

Amulya Charan

former Managing Director, Tata Power Trading Company and Advisor, Tata Group


A similar letter has been sent to Dr. S. Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, Government of India

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